Stefan Nagey - 2126555418 - stefan@nagey.com
Position: All Positions
Experience: Advanced
Comments: Intermediate / Advanced sailor. Grew up on the Severn River, been sailing since I was 5. This past season did AYC Wednesday Series 3 on a Tartan 245, as well as the Fall Series on the same boat. Currently doing frostbite on a J/100. Lots of exp with short windward/leeward type races, and a good degree of experience with distance races around gov't marks as well. Log from this past season available at https://sailties.net/stefannagey
Jason Lever - 201-468-3822 - jasonalever@gmail.com
Position: All Positions
Experience: Intermediate
Comments: I’m a lifelong sailor, growing up sailing on Barnegat Bay (NJ), the Hudson River (NY), and now the Chesapeake out of Annapolis and Baltimore. I have extensive experience single-handing my Capri 18 in a wide range of conditions out of Brant Beach Yacht Club (NJ). Currently crewing on a Sun Fast 3600, which I recently delivered back from the Annapolis to Bermuda Race (~775 nautical miles). I also have past racing experience on a C&C 30MK1, Ensign, Etchells, and J/100.
Thank you for your consideration! I’m looking forward to participating in the Beer Can Series, contributing to your crew, and continuing to learn and strengthen my skills as a sailor. Boats with younger sailors preferred (I’m 23), but I’m open to joining any boat.
Anthony Girand - 9177577145 - girand@gmail.com
Position: All Positions
Experience: Intermediate
bob kehoe - "Sheila Marie" - Harbor 20
Contact: 4106881119 - bobkehoe54a@gmail.com
Positions Needed: All Positions
Experience Desired: Intermediate
Comments: I'm looking for crew on my Harbor 20, Sheila Marie. She has new sails and is a pretty fast boat and not hard to learn crew duties. in fact the boat really requires in ideal situations a crew who is more of a tactician/thinker than muscle.